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2010 Mini Cooper S Clubman

In keeping with the marque's heritage, the 2010 MINI Clubman's rear look is modeled along the design of the rear doors found in the Austin Mini Countryman, Morris Minor Traveller and the Mini Clubman Estate from the 1960s. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

INDONESIA ZONE: Gorontalo, the Pieces of Paradise on the Equator

bTomini/b Bay is a heaven for divers, because the geographic position of bTomini/b Bay itself, which is crossed by the equator line, has naturally presented various kinds of sea creature inside. ... Phone: (0435) 825778; Imam Bonjol bHotel/b Imam Bonjol Street Phone: (0435) 826240. Moving Around. Within the town, Trans Sulawesi is a land acces that connected the province in Sulawesi. Mini bus. To access the diving spot you can use rented car/bike, then take a boat toward your spot ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Em-bedded: A Plea to Avoid the New Bamp;B | Slow Travel

Then I made a mental note to begin shooting a new series of art photos dedicated bto mini/b shampoo and lotion bottles at fine bhotels/b throughout the country. A gallerist's dream. We did carry up own bags (that's personal service! ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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